Author Archives: Dennis Mohr

First Things

We tend to call the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus the “things of first importance”.  And there is no doubt that they are.  For in them is revealed the plan, purpose, and way of God to provide an opportunity for us to be together with Him.  Many see God as the benevolent God of love and mercy and it is true that He is.  However, within the perfections of God’s nature resides the characteristic of justness.  God is a moral being.  He commands that those created in His image, that’s us (Genesis 1:26), act accordingly.  We haven’t done that; all of us have broken His Law.  “For all have sinned”, the Bible tells us, “and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

Sin.  That’s our problem.  A simple definition?  Sin is the things we think, say, and do that God says we shouldn’t think, say, or do.  The Lord wrote His Law on stone at Mt. Sinai, symbolic of the unchangeableness of His decree.  He also placed them in the heart of each person.  All of us have a God-given moral center; we know right from wrong.  And we have freely chosen to do wrong.  All of us have lied, lusted, stolen (cheated), and desired that our neighbors good fortune be ours instead.  And in committing these sins we have left ourselves open to stand before the Lord and be judged by Him for breaking His Law. 

God’s verdict because of our sin?  Guilty.  The sentence?  Spending eternity in hell; a place of punishment where you will be separated from the Lord and all His blessings forever.  Hell is a place without reprieve.  Hell is a place where hopelessness reigns.

Yet hope is real and can be yours because mercy is available.  Where can we find God’s mercy for our siin?  Look to the cross where Jesus died!  This is where you will truly see the love and mercy of God!  God sent His Son, Jesus, to die for your sins!  “In this is love,” the Bible says, “not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins”  (1 John 4:10).  In love, Jesus offered Himself as the sacrifice for your sin and mine.  In His death on the cross, we find the judgment on and punishment for sin that makes God’s forgiveness and mercy available to us.  Jesus’ resurrection from the grave is God’s sign to us that Jesus died for your sin and not anything that He had done.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

God’s mercy, rather than His judgment can be yours, because Jesus Christ died for you!  You have the opportunity to have your sins forgiven by the Lord and receive His gift of eternal life.  How can you do this?  Turn to the Lord (repent), seeking His forgiveness for your sin even as you ask Jesus, the One who died for you, to be your Lord, the One in charge of your life.  If you do this with true heart commitment, God has promised to hear you, forgive, and save you from His judgment on your sin, granting you eternal life in heaven in its place.  “For all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”! (Romans 10:13)

What will you do with the truth(s) you have just read?  Will you turn to the Lord and receive His gifts of forgiveness and eternal life by receiving Jesus as your Lord?  Or will you continue to reject the mercy God offers through Jesus and remain guilty, awaiting judgment?  The choice is yours. 

Lord Jesus,

I confess that I am a sinner.  I believe You died for my sins that I might receive forgiveness.  I believe You rose from the dead to give me hope for Eternity.  I ask You to forgive my sins as I turn from living my way to You.  I want You to take charge of my life and be my Lord.  Please teach me how to live for You.  Thank You for loving me, Lord.  Thank You for saving me.


If you prayed the prayer above or if you have questions about what you have read, please contact us.

Unto You

More than 700 years before the birth of Jesus, Isaiah prophesied of His coming.  Isaiah also tells us of who He is and why His birth is important.  Who is Jesus?  He is Immanuel, “God with us” (Is 7:14); the child born of a virgin who would “save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). 

Sin.  A simple definition is this; sin is the things we think, say, and do that God tells us in the Bible that we shouldn’t think, say, or do.  The Bible reveals the truth of sin in our lives for within it we find His Commandments: the Law of God (Exodus 20:3-17).  And we know that we have disobeyed them.  All of us have lied, lusted, stolen, and failed to honor and worship God among other things.  We have sinned and fallen short of His glory (Romans 3:23), leaving us guilty and liable to God’s judgment (Hebrews 9:27).  If we are judged by God for our sin, we will be found guilty.  The sentence?  Eternity in hell.  Hell is a place of punishment and separation from God.  Hell is a place without hope.

But today, hope is available.  Why? “For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given. . .”  In His infinite love and mercy, God sent His Son to take the punishment for your sin upon Himself that you could have the opportunity to be forgiven and restored to God!  In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation [the appeasement for God’s anger at sin that we might receive mercy] for our sins.” (1 John 4:10).  Isaiah prophesies (Isaiah 53:5-12):

  • Jesus was crucified [punished] for our sins.
  • He died and was buried.
  • Jesus rose from the grave!
  • He came to make you right with God, to save you.

And it is the death burial and resurrection of Jesus that provide for our salvation, our way back to God!  “For He [God] made Him [Jesus] who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” (2 Cor 5:21).

Because of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, we can be forgiven by God, have a right-standing before Him, and have a relationship with Him.  And we can also receive a gift from God: eternal life (Romans 6:23)!  Eternal life is God with us now, and us with God later.  God will be with us to help us have the best life on this earth.  And we will go to be with God in heaven when we die (John 14:2-3).  He has promised this to all who will repent and believe.

 To repent means to have a change of heart and mind regarding God and sin.  It is the realization that God is right, accompanied with a genuine desire to be forgiven by Him for breaking His Law.  What are we to believe?  That God sent His Son to provide the way for you to be forgiven and receive eternal life if you will receive Jesus as your Lord, the One in charge of your life. 

Regarding repentance and belief the Bible states:

“Repent therefore, and turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out. . .” (Acts 3:19)

“. . .if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”   (Romans 10:9–10)

“. . .”Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.””  (Romans 10:13)

God’s salvation is available to you today if you have never received it.  Is today the day for you to repent and believe, receiving forgiveness and eternal life by receiving Jesus as your Lord?  If so, let Jesus know you want to commit your life to Him. 


I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness.  I believe that You died for my sin that I might be forgiven.  I believe that You rose from the dead that I might have hope.  Please forgive me Lord.  I ask You to take charge of my life: to be my Lord.  Please come into my life and my heart and teach me how to live for You.  Thank You for loving me Lord.  Thank You for saving me. 


If you prayed the prayer above, or one similar, please contact us using the link below.  We would consider it a privilege to help you move forward as a follower of the Lord Jesus.

We pray that you will truly celebrate the advent of hope this Christmas by worshipping the Lord Jesus with others.  If you have questions regarding what you have read, please contact us.  We would appreciate the opportunity to answer any question we can that you may have.

May God Bless you and Merry Christmas!

Light for the Journey

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105 (NKJV))

Lamps are made to dispel darkness.  When lit, they illuminate the surrounding area, providing us with a way to see what is around us with clarity.  A lamp will help you determine the best path to travel from point A to point B, allowing you to see the proper trail as well as any dangers alongside or in the path that could harm you or cause you to stumble.  Once you are aware of the hazards, you can choose to navigate safely around them.

The Bible is God’s lamp for our journey in this world.  First, His word lights the path to true life through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus.  It illuminates the pit of death and destruction we have mired ourselves in and shines brightly on the nail-scarred hand that reaches down to us from the cross where forgiveness was made available.  An empty tomb is also in view, calling us to reach out and grasp this hand that will take us on the path from hopelessness to hope.  This is the beginning of our journey of faith.  “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom 10:17)

From this point, the light of God’s word helps us to move forward in life without stumbling in the darkness of this world.  As we study, His lamp lights our journey.  It points out the things that can harm us that we might avoid them.  It shows us the things that will bless us that we might adopt them.  As we take what we learn and apply it to our lives, we find the greatest blessing to be found on our trek through this world is to live life for the Lord and others.  For only by living in this way will we find the life of peace, joy, and purpose for which Jesus died on the cross that we might receive it.  “. . .I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10)

Give Thanks!

November 18, 2020

Psalm 100:3-4 (NKJV)

“Know that the Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people and the sheep of His pasture.  Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

When I was younger my pride rejected being compared to a sheep.  Sheep are the dumbest animal God ever created.  They’re stubborn.  They can have a bad attitude.  They let their imaginations take over and run wild in fear.   They stray from where they are supposed to be all the time and they never want to go where you try to take them.  They require constant supervision and someone who is totally devoted to them to watch over them day and night to raise them, which is why my grandfather quit raising them.  As a young Christian (about 40) on fire for the Lord, it hurt my feelings that He would make such a comparison.

As I have walked with the Lord, I have come to realize that, spiritually, I am a lot like sheep.  On any given day, I can have the sheep beat hands down when it comes to being dumb!  I can be stubborn.  I can have a bad attitude.  If I am not careful, I will give in to my imagination and either run or freeze: afraid of the unknown.  I stray from where I am supposed to be and sometimes I don’t want to go where I am supposed to go.  And I need someone who is totally devoted to me to watch over me day and night for my well-being.  Please take no offense in the following assumption that you and I are a lot alike in these regards.

That is why I am so thankful that I can proclaim, “The Lord is my shepherd.  I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1).  Jesus!  He is the One totally devoted to watching over us and keeping us from harm.  He is our Shepherd!  He saved us from sin by becoming sin for us; He received the full penalty of God’s judgment upon Himself that we might be forgiven and righteous.  And now?  He directs our path and when we stray, He reaches out to correct our direction and keep us close to Him.  When we are afraid, He calms our fears and brings peace to our lives.  He is always watching, and guarding, and providing, and loving. . .us. 

Today and every day may the Lord receive thanksgiving from our grateful hearts!

The Path

October 19, 2020

” Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful;” Psalm 1:1

The first psalm paints a picture of a godly person.  In broad strokes, it speaks of the person’s desire and their character, which develops as a result of their desire.  However, I find it interesting that the first thing mentioned about this person is not that they are enamored with God but that they have rejected the world and its ways.  So it has to be with us; to stand for Christ, we must reject the ways of this world. 

And this rejection of the world’s ways may, of necessity, be moment-by-moment in our lives.  Sin is insidious; it creeps into our lives, when our desire first gets skewed then corrupted.  It is also subtle; we will not recognize it as sin without spiritual discernment and therein lies the danger for those who are not vigilant.  For the Christian, a slow, downward slide may occur if we are not careful.  The path on which this occurs is outlined in the verse above and we need to be aware of the stages of this trail of descent. 

This descent down the world’s path begins with accepting worldly wisdom or counsel.  Such advice/rhetoric can sound very reasonable and wise for, like its originator, on the surface it may be veiled in light (2 Cor 11:14).  However, it is designed to entice you to look away from God and His Ways by appealing to fleshly motives and desires.  Scripture tells us that the Lord’s wisdom is pure, exhibiting the attributes of the Christ-life when put into action, while the World’s wisdom is “earthly, sensual, demonic”, and appeals to pride and base motives (James 3).  Therefore, any counsel we receive either into our lives or on any issue must align with God’s holy word.  If it does not, we need to reject it, no matter how “right” it may appear.  If we do not do this, we may progress down the path to approving and practicing worldly conduct/concepts, which may culminate in a life that has no thought of God unless He is brought to their attention.  As a Christian, I can think of no worse place to be!  And I do believe that we can be there!

However, we do not need to remain in such a state!  Why?  Because the Lord is gracious, merciful, and faithful!  If we find ourselves in such a condition in any area of our lives, we can turn to Him for forgiveness and restoration (1 John 1:9)!  He will position us to once again delight  and meditate on His Word that we might once again stand for Christ!  He will situate us to become:

“. . .like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper. “ Psalm 1:3

Why will God do this?  Because the battle for us was won at the cross where Jesus died!  And in His faithfulness, He will never ever let us go!

All I can say is, “Thank you Lord”! . . . What’s your response to His grace?

The Gap

September 23, 2020

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.”       Ezekiel 22:30 (NKJV)

God looks for the intercessor.  When the Israelites made the golden calf, Moses interceded on behalf of God’s chosen people (Ex 32).  And again when the Israelites refused to enter Canaan, both Moses and Aaron, fell in prayer before the Lord (Numbers 14).  David, Solomon, Nehemiah: all acted as intermediaries for God’s people, standing in the gap through prayer, confessing the sins of the people and seeking the Lord’s mercy.  They sought wisdom and spoke God’s truth to bring encouragement and direction to the people.  And the Lord used them to restore His people and bring prosperity and healing to the nation.

I believe the Lord is looking for intercessors today.  Why?  Because one of His great promises to us is being ignored by His people in this country.  The promise?

“. . .if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Tell me, do you believe God’s Word is true?  Do you believe God is the same now as then: that He does not change?  Do you believe God is mighty in power and faithful to do what He said He would do (consider the Cross as you think about this question)?  Brothers and Sisters, the fact that the answer to all these questions is an emphatic, “Yes!”, means the problem with receiving this promise of the Lord must lie with us.  And directly or indirectly it is my problem. . .and yours.

What does the promise require?  The promise calls us to humility and repentance; the acknowledgement of our sins as we turn back to the Lord.  The Lord promises to forgive and restore if this is done.  There is one other item: “If my people”.  I have to believe the Lord is looking for a number of His people.  How many?  Only the Lord knows.  However, given the events occurring in our nation, I don’t believe we are there yet.  And that is why the problem is ours.  After all, we are called to be our Brother’s ( and Sister’s) keeper.

Will you intercede on their behalf?  Will you stand in the gap for God’s people as did God’s warriors of old?  Will you confess your sins and the sins of a prideful, stiff-necked people (us) that are caught up in the world with little or no time for our God?  With love for your family, will you plead with your Father and the Holy Spirit to show mercy by bringing conviction on your Brothers and Sisters in Christ; conviction that leads to repentance?

“So I sought for a man among them. . .”  Brother.  Sister.  Will you humble yourself before the Lord today and stand in the gap for all of us?

“. . . one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

October 25, 2018

Brothers and Sisters,

We pray the words above are familiar to you and that you realize unity, freedom, and equitable treatment under the law are blessings from the Lord.  Each of us needs to remember, however, that these blessings were graciously granted to those who live in America in order that God would be exalted by us as a nation submitted to Him.  I fear that it may be that this is no longer true for the majority.  And when sight of God is lost, His insight for righteous living is also lost.  An individual’s perspective in such a case is not, “God and others”.  The agenda of the one who loses sight of God is, “Me, irrespective of others”.  I am afraid that this is the “action plan” for many within our country.

Such an ideology erodes our God-given blessings as a nation.  As a nation, we are more divided than I have ever witnessed.  We speak of liberty but what is meant by many is freedom to do what I want with no responsibility toward others (In concept, this is very close to the definition of anarchy).  And in the past 1-1/2 years, we see the presumption of innocence being turned upside-down with the accused being expected to prove their innocence rather than the accuser proving guilt.  Why are these things occurring?  They are occurring because, as a nation, God is no longer the god to whom we bow down.

Brothers and Sisters, I do not write this to discourage you.  I write this that I might encourage you in two things.  The first of these two is pray for America.  Pray for those who profess to know Christ yet act like the world that they might return to the Lord.  Pray for our governmental leaders at all levels to ask for the Lord’s wisdom in doing their jobs then act upon the wisdom He freely gives: no matter how hard that might appear to be.  Pray for the lost in our nation that they might come under the Spirit’s conviction, turn to the Lord, and seek His headship for their lives.  And pray for the return of civility to all who are faced with a difference of opinion.

The second thing that I want to encourage you to do is vote on November 6th.  This election is crucial.  Below is an excerpt from a Focus on the Family web page. (

Voters in the November 2018 midterm will see critical races and issues on the ballot, as this election will decide:

  • All 435 members of the U.S. House Of Representatives
  • 33 seats (one-third) of the seats in the U.S. Senate, many of which are in key competitive states; two additional special elections for vacancies in Minnesota and Mississippi
  • 36 state governorships
  • The makeup of 87 percent of state legislative chambers nationwide
  • More than 125 ballot measures in 30 states

The direction of our nation will definitely be affected by this election.  We must vote and our vote must be based on Biblical truth and principle!  To do this, we must look beyond the appearance of the candidate to the doctrine a candidate espouses and supports: the party platform.

Below is a revised excerpt from the newsletter I sent out in October of 2016, which includes portions of the “vision” of both major political parties.  You will notice the sections are still dated for 2016.  This is because the party platforms are ratified at the National Convention for each party, which is held in presidential election year.  While other things may be expressed in addition to the platform (this year, they appear to be retaliation or revenge-driven), the actual party platform for either major political party has not changed.  We pray you will take these things into consideration as you head to the polls.

Each national party has a platform: an ideology or set of ideas that defines what they believe and what they would implement as law given the opportunity.  When you vote for the person, you are voting for the party’s platform because those who get in office appoint people.  Typically, these people have ideology similar to their own.  After all, it is a logical thing to appoint people who share your vision for the future.  Once these appointees are in place, the policies/laws that are implemented affect the moral fabric of our nation for much more than the person’s term in office.

Below, I have included some information from the platforms of the two major parties represented in this election.  In it you will find excerpts from each parties stance on three issues, abortion, marriage, and the appointment of judges to the Supreme court.  Any emphasis in the text below is mine.  I did not include all that was said by either party.  However, I do not believe that I have misrepresented either party’s position on the issue by what I have omitted.  If you want to read more you can find each party’s 2016 platform on line or request a copy at their political office in your area.


2016 Democratic Platform (p. 19)

Democrats applaud last year’s decision by the Supreme Court that recognized that LGBT people—like other Americans—have the right to marry the person they love. . .

2016 Republican Platform (p. 11)

Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values. . .We, therefore, support the appointment of justices and judges who respect the constitutional limits on their power and respect the authority of the states to decide such fundamental social questions.

“And Adam said:

“This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;

She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.”

Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”

Genesis 2:23-24 (NKJV)                             



2016 Democratic Platform (p. 37)

Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion. . . We will continue to oppose—and seek to overturn—federal and state laws and policies that impede a woman’s access to abortion. . .

2016 Republican Platform (p. 13)

The Constitution’s guarantee that no one can “be deprived of life, liberty or property” deliberately echoes the Declaration of Independence’s proclamation that “all” are “endowed by their Creator” with the inalienable right to life. Accordingly, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to children before birth. . .

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. 

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;. . . “

Psalm 139:13-14b (NKJV)


The Judiciary

2016 Democratic Platform (p. 25)

We will appoint judges who defend the constitutional principles of liberty and equality for all, and will protect a woman’s right to safe and legal abortion. . .

2016 Republican Platform (p. 10)

. . . A critical threat to our country’s constitutional order is an activist judiciary that usurps powers properly reserved to the people through other branches of government. . .Only a Republican president will appoint judges who respect the rule of law expressed within the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, including the inalienable right to life and the laws of nature and nature’s God. . . The legitimate powers of government are rooted in the consent of the American people. Judicial activism that includes reliance on foreign law or unratified treaties undermines American sovereignty. Foreign laws and precedents should not be used to interpret our Constitution or laws, nor should foreign sources of law be used in state courts’ adjudication of criminal or civil matters. . .


One last thought:

“So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.  Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads,” says the Lord God

Ezekiel 22:30–31a (NKJV)

Throughout the Bible, we see a pattern of the Lord seeking the man, woman, or group that will stand for Him by standing in the gap for His people and their nation.  Jesus was the pinnacle of this concept; in love He stood in the gap for us at Calvary.  Will you be an example of the model we have been given?  Allow your time to vote to be fueled by the love of Christ. Humbly seek God’s blessing on our nation and all within its borders as you wisely exercise the blessing inherent in your freedom to vote by standing for Him even as you stand in the gap for His people and their nation.  You were born again for such a time as this!  Honor your Lord by seeking His best for our nation as you vote.


When the Day is Done

“You saw me before I was born.  The days allotted to me had all been recorded in your book, before any of them ever began. ”                                      Psalm 139:16 (GNB)

“This is Sheila at On Star.  We have received notification that airbags have deployed within this vehicle.  Is anyone injured?”  Thankfully neither I nor the driver of the other car was injured.  I received a small bruise on one arm from the airbag deploying; the other driver had no injuries.   I looked at my watch; it was 9:03 AM.  I looked at the car that I had been driving; it was totaled.  As the police were arriving, I thanked the Lord again for His protection.

This day did not start off the way I had planned.  And the day could have been over for me before it really got going.  Am I lucky?  Not hardly!  Since the Lord has ordained my days, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to me when something like this happens and I survive.  Even as the Lord has numbered the hairs on my head, He has numbered the days of my life on this earth and away from my true home.  The Lord has numbered your days as well and only He knows for sure when the last one of them will be.

With that thought in mind, I ask you to consider the following two questions.  Please know that they are asked with love and concern for what may be.  I ask the questions because I have learned from the Lord to never take these things for granted.

First, where will you spend eternity?  Will you be in heaven?  Or hell?  Please take time now to truly consider this question then consider what is written next.  If your answer to the question is, “Yes.”, what is the basis for your faith, your belief, that you will go to heaven?  Church membership?  Baptism?  “Walking and aisle”?  While these “works” may be evidence of faith, they are not definitive proof that you have eternal life and will be in heaven.  There is only one foundation for faith leading to eternal life: the Lord Jesus who died “once for all” for sin: yours and mine (Heb. 7:27, 10:10, 1Peter 3:18). Have you truly committed to Him by submitting to Him?

If you’re answer to my first question is, “No.”, then let today be the day you know you will be in heaven.  Begin by agreeing with God regarding what He has said about you.  You are a sinner, deserving of His Judgment (Romans 3:23, 6:23a).  Then believe what God has said about Himself.  “For God so loved the World [you] that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 NKJV [emphasis mine]).  Jesus died for your sin that you might be forgiven by God.  Jesus rose from the dead, in part, to prove the offer of forgiveness made available by His death on the Cross is real.  Finally trust God’s promises, made to you, regarding forgiveness and eternal life.  In contrition turn to the Lord Jesus asking for forgiveness and for Him to take charge of your life, to be your Lord, knowing that all who do so will be forgiven, will be saved from the danger of judgment, and will receive eternal life (Acts 3:19; Romans 10:9-10, 13; 6:23b, et al).

If you considered this question and were unsure that you have eternal life and will go to heaven, the truth is that it is likely you do not have eternal life.  Scripture states very clearly that those who know Jesus, who have received Him as Lord, have an assurance regarding salvation and eternal life that comes from the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14-16).  Likewise, the Apostle John testifies to the source and requirement for eternal life in both his Gospel and his first letter (John 3:16-18, 1 John 5:11-13).  You have the opportunity to change your destiny today by receiving Jesus as Your Lord.

Finally, with regard to the question of eternal life and heaven, please remember that Scripture states very clearly throughout that true faith in and reliance on the finished work of Christ is the only way to receive eternal life.  Jesus said it.  The Apostles testified to it.  And both Scripture and your own logic testify to this truth (Gal 2:21).  If you are relying on anything other than the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, which is the finished work of God for your salvation, Cindy and I pray that the Holy Spirit will use what is written here to bring you to Christ.

The second question is this.  Are you using your days wisely?  Solomon said there is a season for every purpose.  His conclusion, however, was that there is one purpose that transcends all our seasons.  Throughout our life we are to worship God, revere God, and be obedient to God (Ecc 12:13).  Doing so brings fulfillment and completeness to our lives.  The Apostle Paul shared how we can achieve this purpose when he wrote, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor 10:31).  In context this verse speaks to sacrificial self-control in your life that the light and example of Christ in you may shine forth.  The purpose?  Encouraging the lost to saving faith and encouraging Christians in spiritual growth (1 Cor 10:23-33).  If such a sacrifice in our own life for the benefit of others is fueled by the proper motive, God’s love in us, He will be glorified.

So I want to encourage you to use your days wisely.  Let everything you do be an extension of your worship of and obedience to the Most High God.  In other words, let it be done out of love for God and others.  In the process of sacrifice in your life that others might gain, you will worship God, you will revere God, and you will find that the Lord Himself has brought fulfillment to your life: making you complete in Him.

Please consider the things above in light of your mortality.  Because when your last day is done only two things will matter.

Is Jesus your Lord?. . .and. . .Did you live your life for His Glory?

What is Man??? – Eclipse 2017

The eclipse has come and gone.  Regardless of whether you saw it or not, below are some things that you should consider.

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Even though the eclipse is a current event; its happening was ordained at the beginning of time, when the Lord called all things into being.  Because when the Lord created the heavens, He created them with order.  The mechanics that govern the movement of celestial bodies is a display of the wisdom of God and the heavenly bodies have no choice but to be obedient to the path that was ordained for them.

You also were created by the Lord.  And like the moon and the stars, God has a plan and a path for your life.  Unlike them, God gave you the right to choose whether or not you would obediently follow His path, His course for your life.  You, like all of us, have chosen to disobey God.  Sinning against Him, you have made your own path.  Where does a path of our choosing lead us?  It leads us to ruin for the Bible tells us, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death”. (Proverbs 14:12)  The path of your making leads to you standing before the Lord in judgment.

The judgment?  Guilty.  The penalty?  An eternity in hell for, “The wages of sin is death. . .” (Romans 6:23a).  Remaining on the path of our own choosing leads to an eternity of despair and regret: an eternity without hope.

But God, in His infinite love and mercy toward you, provided The Way for you to be restored to the original path for your life.  The Way?  Jesus; He is God’s Son.  He came to this earth to be the way for you to return to God.  Unlike us, while on this earth Jesus was completely obedient to the plan for His time on earth.  Jesus never deviated from the path destined for Him; a path that led to the Cross where He died to pay for your sins, providing the opportunity for you to be forgiven by God.  Jesus died on the Cross and was buried.  Three day later, Jesus rose from the dead, validating the offer of forgiveness made at the Cross, proving His Lordship, and revealing the hope that we can spend eternity with God!  A hope that is sure because of the One who made the promise!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

You can have forgiveness from God and eternal life with God!  How?  Turn to God (repent), believing that Jesus died for your sins and rose from the dead.  Sincerely seek forgiveness for your sins and with a committed heart, ask Jesus to be the Lord of your life!

“Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:19

“. . . if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. . . For all who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved.”  (Romans 10:9, 13)

Will you turn to God, seeking His forgiveness, and call upon the name of the Lord today?  If so, pray the prayer below, meaning it with all your heart.

Lord Jesus,

I confess that I am a sinner.  I believe that You died for my sins that I might receive forgiveness. I believe that You rose from the dead to give me hope.  I ask You to forgive me as I turn from choosing my own path for life and turn to You.  I want You to be the Lord of my life.  I ask You to come into my life and my heart, taking charge of my life.  Please restore me to the plan You have for my life.  Thank You for loving me.  Thank You for saving me.


If you prayed this prayer to receive Jesus as Lord, or have questions about what you have read, please contact me.




And He shall be called Immanuel

“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14)

Immanuel. The name means, “God with us”. The LORD God promised that He would come even before the prophets obediently foretold of His coming. The Bible reveals that Jesus is Immanuel, “God with us”. And throughout the Bible, the revealed Word of God, we find that Jesus was coming “to save His people from their sins”.

Sin: the wrong things we think, say, and do. Sin is our disobedience to God. Sin is our defiance of God. Sin keeps us from finding and fulfilling our true purpose. Sin also brings us under God’s judgment; a judgment that is sure because “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. We are guilty. Because we are guilty, God, in His Justness, will give the sentence required for breaking His Law. The sentence? Eternal punishment in a place called Hell; a place removed from the Presence and Blessings of God. There is neither reprieve nor parole for the sentence is just and true justice is without mercy, without hope.

Yet hope exists. “She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

Jesus is our hope! He is God’s provision for your sin, and the sins of the world.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”

Jesus. Born of Mary, He lived as we do: facing temptation every day. Even though He was tempted, Jesus never gave in to it. Jesus never sinned. Because of His right standing before God, Jesus could take our place in punishment. In love, Jesus did that. He willingly went to the Cross so we might have the opportunity to be forgiven. He shed His blood for us because “without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins”.

“. . .was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.”

Jesus. He died on the Cross and was buried. Three days later He rose from the dead, validating God’s offer of forgiveness, revealing His power over death and the grave, and declaring His Lordship over all Creation!

Jesus. In love He lived for you. In love He died for you. In power He rose from the dead, proving that God’s offer to forgive you, which was made at the Cross, is real, providing hope for an eternity with God! Will you trust in the way God has made?

Jesus. His name means, “The Lord saves”. Because of Jesus, you have an opportunity to be forgiven of your sin and be free from God’s judgment for sin.
You can do that today. Seek God’s forgiveness, believing that Jesus died for your sins. Receive Jesus as your Lord and He will save you. He has promised that, “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”! (Romans 10:13)

Lord Jesus,
I confess that I am a sinner. I believe that you died for my sins that I might receive forgiveness. I believe that you rose from the dead to give me hope. I ask You to forgive me as I turn from living life my way to living life your way. I want you to be the Lord of my life. I ask you to come into my life and my heart, taking charge of my life. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for saving me.

We encourage you to celebrate the advent of hope this Christmas season by worshipping the Lord Jesus with others. If you have questions regarding what you have read, please contact us or talk to a pastor in your area.